

Διεύθυνση: Δήμος Αθηένου Λεωφ. Μακαρίου Γ΄, Αρ. 2, 7600 Αθηένου Κύπρος

Τηλ.: +357 24811370

Γραμμή Δημότη: +357 24524004

Ε-mail: mail@athienou.org.cy




 Καλλινίκειο Δημοτικό Μουσείο Αθηένου


Το Καλλινίκειο Δημοτικό Μουσείο Αθηένου δημιουργήθηκε για να παρουσιάσει την ιστορία της Αθηένου από τα αρχαία χρόνια μέχρι σήμερα. Κάθε τοπική ιστορία αποτελείται από αμέτρητες συλλογικές και ατομικές ιστορίες και όσο τοπική και αν χαρακτηρίζεται, στην πραγματικότητα εξαπλώνεται στα πέρατα του κόσμου.





 Ηλεκτρονική Υποβολή Αιτημάτων


Ο Δήμος μας προσφέρει ηλεκτρονική υποβολή αιτημάτων μέσω διαδικτύου ώστε να μην είναι απαραίτητη η επίσκεψη των δημοτών στις υπηρεσίες του Δήμου. Το αίτημα σας προωθείται αυτόματα στην αρμόδια υπηρεσία προς διεκπεραίωση.





 Εγγραφή στο Ενημερωτικό μας Δελτίο


Ο Δήμος Αθηένου στα πλαίσια της αναβάθμισης της επικοινωνίας με τους δημότες του αποφάσισε να εφαρμόσει σύστημα ηλεκτρονικής ενημέρωσης δημοτών μέσω ηλεκτρονικής διεύθυνσης (e–mail).

Τα στοιχεία που θα καταχωρήσετε θα αξιοποιηθούν για τη συνεχή ενημέρωση σας σε διάφορα θέματα όπως: ανακοινώσεις, πολιτιστικές εκδηλώσεις, δελτία τύπου, δραστηριότητες Υπηρεσιών του Δήμου κλπ.







 Athienou Online Payments


The Municipality of Athienou provides its citizens with the possibility to pay their invoices from the Internet.


Blog - Latest News


The Municipality of Athienou announces that in the context of the latest call for programs CERV-2021-CITIZENS-TOWN for the City Networks, the Municipality participated in several proposals as a partner with various European partners. We are pleased to announce that 5 of the proposals have been approved by the European Commission and will start to be implemented in the near future.

The 5 approved programs are the following:

  1. VOLUNTEU – The main theme of the program is youth solidarity and volunteering in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

The Lead Partner is the Municipality of ALTEA of Spain. In addition to the Municipality of Athienou, 6 other partners from the following European cities participate: The Municipality of OPCINA KALNIK OPCINSKO VIJECE KALNIK of Croatia. The organizations INDUSTRY DISRUPTORS GAME CHANGERS of Athens-Greece, HELLENIC INSTITUTE OF CULTURAL DIPLOMACY NETHERLANDS of the city of Rotterdam Netherlands, ASSOCIAZIONE INCO of Molfetta-Italy, ASSOCIACAO JUVENIL DE DEAO – AJD of Viana Do Castelo  of Portugal and ASOCIATIA SCOUT SOCIETY, Targu Jiu, Romania.

Duration of the program: 24 months.

Program Budget: € 148,000

  1. UPARTICIPATE – The main theme of the program is the participation of citizens and the social integration of national minorities at the local level.

The Lead Partner is the Municipality of MANISES of Spain. In addition to the Municipality of Athienou, 6 other partners from the following European cities participate: The Municipality of OPCINA KALNIK OPCINSKO VIJECE KALNIK of Croatia. The organizations INDUSTRY DISRUPTORS GAME CHANGERS of Athens-Greece, Hellenic INSTITURE OF CULTURAL DIPLOMACY NETHERLANDS of the city of Rotterdam-Netherlands, ASSOCIAZIONE INCO of the city of Molfetta-Italy, ASSOCIACAO JUVENIL DE VIANA DO CASTELO of the homonymous city of Portugal and ASOCIATIA SCOUT SOCIETY of the city of Targu Jiu of Romania.

Duration of the program: 18 months.

Program Budget: € 148,000.

  1. RE-ACT – The key theme of the program is to encourage the general concern on the main impact that COVID 19 has had on the local life of the city and in particular on the younger generations, especially in terms of well-being and mental health.

The Lead Partner is the Municipality of MURCIA of Spain. In addition to the Municipality of Athienou there are 6 other partners from the following European cities: the Municipalities of AMSTERDAM in the Netherlands, KEKAVA in Latvia, GRAD SIBENIK in Croatia, TORINO in Italy, SUCEAVA in Romania and the the organization PRO ARBEITKREIS OFFENBACH in Dietzenbach-Germany.

Duration of the program: 24 months.

Program Budget: € 147,860

  1. GREENEU – The main objective of the program is to encourage discussion among young people, who have been particularly affected by the current crisis and are looking for their own ways to participate in society and to help them to participate more in relation to the future and European viability through local communities.

The Lead Partner is the Municipality of DOLORES of Spain. In addition to the Municipality of Athienou, 6 other partners from the following European cities participate: The Municipalities of FARCANTONA in Greece, AMARANTE in Portugal, CERVIA in Italy, OPCINA KALNIK OPCINSKO VIJECE KALNIK in Croatia and the organizations KARCAG VAROSI ONKORMANYZAT in Karcag, Hungary and ASSOCIATION FOR DEVELOPING VOLUNTARY WORK NOVO MESTO of the city of Novo Mesto in Slovenia.

Duration of the program: 24 months.

Program Budget: € 148,000.

  1. LOCALEUCHARTER – The aim of the program is to improve the local governance of the participating European municipalities, as well as to strengthen the role of local public administrations in integrating modern Europe and their role of being close to their citizens.

The Lead Partner is the Municipality of VALENCIA of Spain. In addition to the Municipality of Athienou there are 6 other partners from the following European cities: The Municipalities of AMARANTE of Portugal, CERVIA of Italy and LARISSA of Greece and the ASOCIATIA SE POATE of Sport Chiajna “BUDOWLANI” in Lodz, Poland and HELLENIC INSTITUTE OF CULTURAL DIPLOMACY NETHERLANDS in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Duration of the program: 18 months.

Program Budget: € 148,000.

By participating in all the programs, the Municipality of Athienou will help the young people and not only of Athienou to get in touch with other participants, helping them to fulfil the purposes of the Programs, since meetings will be held in all the cities of the partners. At the same time, with the 5 meetings that will take place in Athienou, it will help the local economy, the agrotourism accommodation, the restaurants, etc.

All costs of the programs are covered 100% by European funding.