European Union Projects
The Municipality of Athienou has taken part or has done various projects through European funds, as mentioned below.
URBACT GOOD PRACTICE - The Volunteerism in Athienou
The Urbact Secretariat has approved a proposal of Good Practice for “The Volunteerism in Athienou”. 270 proposals were submitted and 97 won to get the medal of Good Practice in Tallin, Estonia, in an Urbact Festival from 3 to 5 October 2017.
The Athienou Municipal Council of Volunteering (MCV) provides for the basic needs of people facing poverty and social isolation. Volunteering is the tool used to connect people and services, with up to 200 volunteers at any one time. Evolving since 1970, there are currently four programmes: caring for the elderly, community help and entertainment, nursery care, and social welfare support. These activities interconnect different generations and provide direct and concrete help to those most in need.
The Good Practise can be seen at .
The Municipality of Athienou was eligible and submitted, when the call “Creating Networks for the Transfer of Good Practices” was opened, a proposal as a Lead Partner for a Transfer Network that would transfer our Good Practice to other European cities. The proposal was approved on 4/4/2018 (details elsewhere).
Transfer Network “Volunteering Cities” of the URBACT III, 2018 Program
The Volunteerism Good Practice Transfer Network, “Volunteering Cities”, with the Municipality of Athienou as Lead Partner, was approved under the European URBACT Program, to transfer the Good Practice for Volunteering and is co-funded by the European Development Fund.
On April 4, 2018, the URBACT Monitoring Committee approved 25 Good Practice Transfer Networks, involving 20 European countries, for the implementation of Phase A’ Networks. From Cyprus submitted a proposal, which was approved, only the Municipality of Athienou.
Athienou participated as the Lead Partner of the network, “Volunteering City – Promoting Social Inclusion and Cohesion in Cities through Volunteering”, with partners the cities of Capizzi, Sicily and the Kildare County Council of Ireland. Phase A’ was successfully implemented and the Municipality submitted a proposal for Phase B’, which was also approved on December 4, 2018. The Municipality is the Lead Partner and partners are 7 other European cities, where the good practice of Athienou Municipality will be transferred. The 7 cities are Arcos de Valdevez of Portugal, Altea of Spain, Capizzi of Sicily-Italy, Altena of Germany, Radlin of Poland, Pregrada of Croatia and Kildare County Council of Ireland.
The Municipality of Athienou seeks the best possible implementation of its proposal, promoting the aims of the Good Practice Transfer Network for pan-European transfer and promoting of its volunteering so that through its approved Good Practice that comes out of the 4 voluntary programs implemented by for children, the elderly and those in need, to promote social inclusion and cohesion and the fight against poverty.
The Network is supported in its work by a Lead Expert who is paid directly by the Program.
Phase B’ of the Transfer Network will be completed on 4 December 2020.
The total budget of the Program is € 600.000.
Europe for Citizens, Proposal for European Youth Against Euroscepticism in Media, 2018 – as a partner. Lead Partner, Municipality of Altea, Spain
The Municipality of Athienou participates as a partner in the European program YOUROPE, approved under the EUROPE FOR CITIZENS CALL. The Lead Partner is the Municipality of Altea, Spain, and besides the Municipality of Athienou participate as partners the cities of Warsaw – Poland, Agia – Greece, Ljubljana – Slovenia, Sofia – Bulgaria, Noto – Sicily, Italy and Brussels – Belgium.
YOUROPE is a network of 8 European cities focusing on young people and their role in the present and future of Europe. The aim of this project is to contribute to the fight against Eurosceptic rhetoric by encouraging participants to engage in dialogue and to work out a rhetoric in favor of inclusive Europe at local level. The main players are young citizens from each region, who will work with experts (eg academic teachers, bloggers, journalists, etc.) to learn about media communication strategies, policies and strategies The EU, as well as the free expression of their views and with a view to making a big impact locally and regionally, making the new European ambassadors in their own city.
With its involvement, the Municipality of Athienou helps Athienou youth to reach out to other youth in all participating cities, helping them to achieve the goals of the Program.
Global Education Goes Local
Program implemented in Cyprus by the World Education Department of the non-governmental organization Future Worlds Center. The program is co-funded by the European Union. The aim of the program is to raise citizens’ awareness of active action and critical thinking towards the challenges of interconnections in the world, focusing on the 3 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Gender Equality, Sustainable Cities and Communities and Responsible Consumption and Production.
A total of 6 countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Spain, Cyprus, Lithuania, Slovenia) are participating in the same program.
The program will last for a total of 3 years. During these three years, the Future Worlds Center for International Education will host 3 workshops for all participants and one workshop for each community separately. In addition, the participating local actors will organize, with the guidance and financial assistance of the program, two learning-action workshop cycles (LAPs) in their communities. During the 2nd and 3rd year of collaboration, international workshops abroad will be organized on the program and the exchange of ideas and experiences for action.
Pioneers into Practice, Proposal “Energy reducing consumption in Municipal buildings and places in the Municipality of Athienou”. Possible employment of a Pioneer September-October 2018
The proposal submitted by the Municipality of Athienou was approved. For 6 weeks, a European Expert will visit Athienou Municipality to study and give suggestions for reducing energy consumption in Municipal Buildings and Sites in Athienou Municipality
EUROPE for Citizens Proposal AGORA 2019 as Lead Partner
The Municipality of Athienou, with the help of a partner from Greece and with partners 4 other cities from Europe, submitted a proposal as a Lead Partner, within the framework of the EUROPE FOR CITIZENS Invitation, to the “Cities Network” action. The proposal of the municipality AGORA was submitted before the closure of this call on 01/03/2019, when 130 valid proposals were submitted. Only 18 out of the 130 valid proposals were approved, or 13.4%, and the Municipality of Athienou’s application is among them.
Apart from the Municipality of Athienou, the Municipalities of Smolyan Bulgaria, Cinicello Balsamo of Lombardy – Italy, Santa Maria Da Feira of Portugal and Athens of Greece participate in the program.
The AGORA program concerns an open dialogue in a public space, through the experimental method of dialogue and participation as in Ancient Athens. This activity promotes the European Union understanding and the democratic engagement of the participants. It benefits the participants by facilitating the effective aspect of learning while it enhances interpersonal relations and promotes interpersonal rewards. Moreover, it produces improved communication and discussion skills within the group and produces a more integrated view of the broader context within which sociological concepts fall. This activity also promotes individual discovery in learning.
The budget is €143.640 and is 100% covered by European funding. The program will last for 2 years and the first meeting will take place soon, at a time to be determined, in Athienou.
- Realization of the 2nd Meeting on 21 and 22 October, 2021, at the Municipality of Smolyan, Bulgaria
- Press Release: Realization of the Kick – off Meeting of the European Project “AGORA – Democratic Values & Culture in Europe”, in the framework of the EUROPE FOR CITIZENS Invitation, of the “Cities Networks” axis
- Press Release for the Kick-off Meeting
- Press Release of the 2nd Meeting on 21 and 22 at Smolyan, Bulgaria
The Municipality of Athienou participates as an Associate Partner in the European program RURAL + (Rural + – Better opportunities though skill growth) under the ERASMUS + Program.
The following partners are involved in the Program as partners.
c. Previform – Laboratories, Format, Higiene and Segurança no Trabalho, Lda, Portugal, Partner.
d. Polygonal, Italy, Partner.
e. STANDO LTD, Cyprus, Partner.
The RURAL + program addresses the social inclusion, initial and continuing professional development of teachers, trainers and mentors in school and work settings and enhancing access to training and qualifications for all, in rural areas.
The budget of the Program is € 156.405 and all, as the activities of the Municipality of Athienou, are 100% funded by European funding.
HORIZON 2020, SMART CITIES, Project URBAN GreenUP, With participation in the Network
The Municipality of Athienou participates in the URBAN GreenUP European Project, funded from the Horizon 2020 call H2020-SCC-NBS-2stage-2016 under the topic SCC02-2016-2017: Demonstrating innovative nature-based solutions in cities.
The project aims at obtaining a tailored methodology to support the co-development of Renaturing Urban Plans (RUPs) focused on climate change mitigation and adaptation and efficient water management, and to assist in the implementation of Nature-based Solutions (NBS) in an effective way.
The project comprises large scale and fully replicable demonstration actions of NBS on Front runner cities Valladolid (Spain), Liverpool (United Kingdom) and Izmir (Turkey), involving also a group of European and non-European Follower Cities – Ludwigsburg (Germany), Mantova (Italy), Medellín (Colombia), Chengdu (China) and Quy Nhon (Vietnam) – to strengthen the replication potential of the project results. Athienou Municipality has accepted to participate in the network, supporting the expansion of the community of interest around NBS and related smart city topics.
With his participation, the Municipality of Athienou will gain experience and help solve environmental problems in its area.
All expenses incurred by the Municipality of Athienou from participating in URBAN GreenUP are covered by the Program.
Encouraging young people to build a better Europe – IN NEET
Description of the Project
The project will create a European network of 8 different organizations from Greece, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Cyprus, Romania and Bulgaria, focused on NEET phenomenon. The project will tackle the phenomenon of the NEETs, proposing solutions in order to encourage them to participate fully in civic life as European citizens. According to Eurostat, in 2019 the rate of NEETs stood at 16.4 % in the EU.
The main aim of the project is to build channels and social spaces in order to reintegrate NEETs inside the society, especially those who are discouraged and long term unemployed. Most of the activities (creative labs, round tables, debates, job shadowings, human libraries etc.) aim at promoting active citizenship among youngsters/NEETs, enhancing civic and democratic competences. Those channels will take into account all the EU policies and opportunities defined to support youth social inclusion (Erasmus Plus program, Mobilities, EU Citizenship rights, etc.).
While NEETs will be the main beneficiaries of project, the key players will be the young citizens and workers in order for them to be encouraged to participate, to freely express their point of views and needs and to contribute to decision-making concerning matters affecting their social integration.
The project is structured in 8 international events where a group composed by young citizens will implement (in cooperation with other youngsters) several activities aimed to develop new outputs. These outputs will enable the European Youngsters to prevent and face this phenomenon and European citizens in general, to get a better understanding. Finally it will make EU capable of facing this situation and how citizens can grasp those opportunities.
Action Plan
During the conception phase of this proposal all the 8 partners involved in the project declared that a consistent number of youngsters ignore what the EU is doing for them. Even though the local administrations composing this partnership were trying to organize and support several activities aimed to foster youth engagement in the civic life of local communities, they did not receive enough support and interest by the local youngsters.
In order to face all of this, multicultural dialogues between 8 different European towns will be generated in order to analyze this European social situation and better understand the main causes, risks, consequences and potential solutions. This action will be implemented, involving all local stakeholders and activating them in an innovative participatory process. These participatory workshops will be held at local level in schools and public buildings, highlighting main concepts such as European citizenship, EU policies for social inclusion, civic participation and democracy.
Secondly, creative ideas and proposals to address the issue will be encouraged. In this case, all local stakeholders of the 8 different European territories will take part in these activities by a participatory and transversal approach and they will produce common project outputs as a Project video (short documentary) and Strategic Guidelines elaborated between all participants, in order to improve EU youth policies impact at local level. These will be the core products that will be disseminate by social networks and also through institutional meetings and activities, even after project deadline.
Finally, all these strategic actions will contribute to the understanding and dissemination of the phenomenon and potential solutions, and also improving the empowerment of NEETs.
- Inaugural Meeting of the European Program IN NEET
- ΤΕΛΙΚΟ ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ- Πραγματοποίηση της 2ης συνάντησης του Ευρωπαϊκού Προγράμματος IN NEET
- ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ – IN NEET – 23.5.2022
- ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ – IN NEET – 26.5.2022
Be informed on how to save energy and money in your homes
Larnaca Municipality takes part in the FIESTA Project which is co-financed by the Intelligent Energy Europe program and aims to reduce energy consumption by the use of heating and cooling systems which consequently will reduce the reduction of emissions CO2. It is addressed to families with children whose needs for heating and cooling systems is more. Through the FIESTA program, the members of the families with children who will participate will be encouraged to change or/and may improve their daily habits so as to become more energy efficient. In Larnaca the FIESTA Energy Help Desk has been created in order to perform checks of energy consumption in houses and to issue special discount coupons for the purchase of electrical appliances with energy efficiency.
The energy consumption checks are carried out free for houses in the town and district of Larnaca. The checks include a quick visit at the interested homes for the completion of data regarding the consumption of energy (such as electricity bills, other energy sources, elements of the house structure, electrical appliances, etc). After the visit, the data is processed on a special program and a report is prepared including advices for the specific requirements of each house. Additionally, each family receives a lottery ticket to take part in a draw for the winning of electrical appliances with low emissions. Two draws will take place. The first one took place in December 2016 where 14 electrical appliances were offered. The 2nd draw will take place some time during the summer of 2017.
The discount coupons are offered free and include the winning of discounts between 10% to 20% on electrical appliances of low emissions (i.e. air-conditions, refrigerators, washing machines etc) from shops in Larnaca collaborating in the program. This action is named the FIESTA Discount program.
The above two actions under the FIESTA project will help the participants save energy and money. (Please note that first come first served applies for both actions)
In order to submit applications for the energy consumption checks or for more information on how to get the discount coupons, you can visit the webpage http:/ or visit the office on 3rd floor of the Larnaca Town Hall or call 24816556.
The Athienou Municipality takes part in the FIESTA project through the Larnaca Municipality..
Information provided through the program:
- Newsletter regarding the actions (Greek Only)
- Newsletter regarding the FIESTA discount program (Greek Only)
- Newsletter with questions-answers (Greek Only)
- Energy saving guide (Greek Only)
- Application for energy consumption check (Greek Only)
For more information you can visit the following sites:
A Network of Social Enterprises
URBAN NOSE is a project within the URBACT programme, supported by the ERDF.
Issue addressed
The project defined a network of urban incubators for social enterprises – by which are meant businesses providing social services. The network supported the start-up of new initiatives of social entrepreneurship, offering services of advising, training activities and instruments of knowledge. The idea is that the social enterprises can represent the engine of the sustainable development of an urban area, according to Lisbon agenda, and their increase favour social cohesion and the improvement of urban economy. The network transfered best practices in social entrepreneurship and represented the reference for social policies of the territory and for local governance.
Lead Partner Gela (IT)
Agrinion – EL , Koropi – EL, Xátiva – ES, Grenoble – FR
Brighton & Hove – UK, Alcobaça – PT, Herrljunga – SE
Athienou – CY, Consortium Area of Industrial Development, Gela – IT
Lead Expert: Dr Sergio Campanella – mailto://
Municipal Adult House
The two programs of the Municipal Council of Volunteerism (Athienou); the Kleanthios Elderly Home and the Constantinelenion Center for Adults, functioned as two separate and independent programs until 2012. The Kleanthios Community Home operated as a care facility for the elderly and the Constantinelenion Center for Adults as a day center for adults, offering multiple services.
Since March 2012, with the completion of the new housing and the consolidation of the two programs, it was decided to unify their operations, under the auspices of a multi-purpose program, known as the “Municipal House of the Adult Athienou”.
The construction of the new buildings was approved and co-funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) of the European Union under the RDP 2007-2013. Specifically, by Axis 3, Measure 3.2, Status 3.2.1, for day care and / or overnight stays for the elderly, for the contract amount of €2.099.000 + VAT. Regarding the funding, 80% of the cost was covered by the State and 15% by the Municipality of Athienou.
More information at “The Municipality-Welfare Contribution-Municipal Adult House”.
Maintenance – Restoration of the traditional flourmill
The project Maintenance – Restoration of the traditional flourmill had been approved as a Co-funded Project by the Rural Development Program 2007 – 2013 Measure 3.2: Conservation – Restoration and Enhancement of the Cultural Heritage and Natural Resources.
The Department of Town Planning and Housing had undertaken the coordination and implementation of the project for the Contract amount: € 386.180 + VAT. The Municipal contribution had been limited to 20% of the total cost.
More information at “The Municipality-Tour Around the City-Preserved Buildings”.
Maintenance – Restoration of the Family House of Monk Kaliinikos Stavrovouniotis and the old cheese and dairy factory
The project had been approved as a Co-funded Project by the Rural Development Program 2007 – 2013 Measure 3.1: Encouragement of Tourist Activities and Promotion of Cultural Heritage (Action Category): Thematic or Local / Regional Museums.
The Larnaca District Officer had undertaken the coordination and implementation of the project for the Contract amount: €540.000 + VAT. The Municipal contribution had been limited to 20% of the total cost.
More information at “The Municipality-Tour Around the City-Preserved Buildings”.
Submission of Proposals
The Municipality participated in submissions of proposals as Lead Partner or as a simple Partner in the following proposals submitted to the relevant programs (other than those already approved and there are notes at other places).
a) EEA and Norway grants for Youth Unemployment, Proposal “Active Young”, 2017- as a Partner. Lead Partner National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANIE), Portugal.
b) ENI CBC Med, Proposal “MED HUB SERVAGRI: Mediterranean Employment HUB at the Service of AGRIculture”, 2017 – as a Partner. Lead Partner GAL ELORO, Sicily, Italy.
c) Europe for Citizens, Proposal “Europe in You”, 2018 – as a partner. Lead Partner Municipality of San Cassiano (LE), Italy.
d) Europe for Citizens, Proposal for European Youth Against Euroscepticism in Media, 2018 – as a partner. Lead Partner, Municipality of Altea, Spain.
e) Europe for Citizens, Proposal «It’s my turn – Creating opportunities for active participation among young citizens», 2019 – as a partner. Lead Partner, City Massamagrell, Spain.
f) Europe for Citizens, Proposal “NEET-UP! Empowering youngsters to build the European future», 2019 – as a partner. Lead Partner, Municipality of Santa Pola,
g) URBACT Action Plan Networks, Partner in the “EU Circular Cities” project, leaded by the City of Noto, Sicily, Italy.
h) URBACT Action Plan Networks, Partner in “Mob2Em2: Mobilization and Mobility versus Employment and Emigrants”, leaded by the Municipality of Arcos de Valdevez, Portugal.
Open Society
Invitation for participation of Thrid Country Nationals that reside in the Municipality of Livadion
The Municipality of Athienou, in collaboration with the Municipality of Larnaca and the European Funds Unit of the Cyprus Ministry of Interior, announces the launch of the “Open Society Program”. The program aims to integrate Third Country Nationals (TCN) as smoothly and successfully as possible into the local society, familiarize them with the local customs and, in general, facilitate their living conditions and their integration into the Cyprus society.
Within this framework, the Municipality of Athienou organizes “Teaching traditional dances to third-country nationals” and invites TCNs to contact the Municipality to express their interest.
There will be at least 20 lessons of 1,5 hours each. The lessons will be offered free of charge to all ages.
Number of places is limited. Therefore, interested individuals can contact the offices of the Municipality of Athienou at 96725271 or 24524004, until 5 February 2020.
Volunteering Cities+, Good Practice Transfer Network, URBACT III
The Good Practice Transfer Network “Volunteering Cities+”, led by the Municipality of Athienou, Cyprus, has been approved under the European Programme URBACT III and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
The “Volunteering Cities+” Network is one of the seven networks that have been approved as part of the second wave of Transfer Networks and is in continuation of the Network “Volunteering Cities” of the first wave. The project has a duration of 18 months and the partnership is composed of five cities: Athienou (Cyprus) as lead partner, Agia (Greece), Aljustrel (Portugal), Banska Stiavnica (Slovakia) and Vilani (Latvia).
The Transfer Network makes use of volunteerism to approach social exclusion and poverty at the community level. Focus is given to an intergenerational collaboration where different age groups of both volunteers and individuals facing social problems work towards a sustainable evolution of the quality of life within the local society. The Network aims at structuring volunteering activities giving validity to a bottom-up approach, where volunteers can decide and implement actions.
The Lead Expert Mrs Maria João Filgueiras Rauch from Portugal supports the work of the Network.
The activities of the project will conclude in December 2022.
The objective of the project is to strengthen the democratic participation of immigrants
The integration of immigrants is generating a great debate in the EU, where most of the Member States are affected by recent migratory movements. In many countries, political parties are discussing about the meaning of integration and the term itself is highly controversial. This debate raises issues which include, among others, whether the relevant definitions should emphasize assimilation or multiculturalism.
The starting point of the UPARTICIPATE project is that all partners believe that these two concepts are outdated and that the integration of immigrants, to be successful, must be based on the full participation of immigrants in the democratic life of the communities where they work and they live. Only if immigrants are integrated into all aspects of society, including civic and political fields, will they feel part of the community.
This “political certainty” is what encouraged the project partners to join their efforts and approach integration in their communities as a continuous and two-way process based on mutual rights and process based on mutual rights and obligations, both for immigrants and host communities. In this process, the project partners seek the CIVIC and POLITICAL PARTICIPATION of immigrants as a fundamental element of local integration policies: the greater the political / civic participation, the greater the integration in the democratic sphere.
Although immigration policies are regulated by national governments, the objective of the UPARTICIPATE project is to strengthen the democratic participation of immigrants at the local level by promoting the development of new practices, policies, and tools in municipalities that allow immigrants to become citizens.
LocalEUCharter: EU Charter on Fundamental Rights closer to citizens.
The LocalEUCharter project aims to develop the concept of Union citizenship through the refinement of local governance of participating European municipalities, as well as to strengthen the role of local public administrations in the integration of modern Europe and in their role of proximity to citizens. To contribute to the dissemination and enhancement of the heritage of values shared at the European level and expressed by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the city of Valencia is presenting a Network of Cities in which young municipal workers and youth organizations will explore the Charter and promote it among their citizens and, in particular, among young people.
Main activities
The project will consist of 8 international events (one for each project partner) and aims to involve more than 400 participants directly and more than 25,000 people indirectly. Each project partner will organize an international event involving local and regional participants, collaborating in advance with other local and regional organizations or other local events in order to achieve greater project impact. In terms of activities, locations will vary by city. The main target audience of LocalEUCharter are officials of the participating municipalities, political representatives of these municipalities in charge of managing the support measures for people, to social workers of associations related to democratic life. The network of cities will involve administrative representatives and youth organizations who will explore the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and promote it among their citizens and, in particular, their youth.
WP1: Kick-off meeting and understanding of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, in Valencia, Spain.
Define project objectives, work methodology and partnership structure, understand the importance of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, and reflect on how to engage stakeholders in project objectives. Share best practices and present the pilot experience of the City of Valencia as an early adopter of the European Commission’s PM2 methodology.
WP2: Values and rights of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in local policy makers, in Cervia, Italy.
Reflect on local best practices on how to engage citizens in participation and analyze how the values and rights of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights are involved in local politics.
WP3: European values among municipalities’ technical teams, politicians and youth civic associations to improve municipal governance, in Athienou (Cyprus)
Reflect on how to improve municipal governance with European values, disseminate European values among municipalities’ technical teams, politicians and civic youth associations to improve governance, and link municipal governance with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
WP4: Bringing European participation mechanisms closer to young citizens, in Larissa, Greece.
Understand the problems of young citizens who do not participate in democratic life, prevent the lack of connection between civic participation and young people, and discuss the EU in small municipalities and its impact on European policies.
WP5: Euroskepticism from a closer approach to EU citizens’ rights, in Lodz, Poland.
Combat Euroskepticism from an EU-local perspective, reflect on new strategies for EU citizens’ rights based on local initiatives and best practices, and understand Europe as a source of citizens’ rights against populism.
WP6: EU decision-making processes, in Amarante (Portugal).
Learn about EU decision-making, understand how citizen participation affects EU decision-making processes, and reflect on civic participation actions carried out in each municipality.
WP7: Empowering civil society and youth to actively participate in European politics, in Bucharest (Romania)
Reflect on how to empower civil society and young people to actively participate in European politics, discuss youth participation in European politics, and understand the particular point of view of young people towards European politics.
WP8: Institutional presentation and final event in Rotterdam (Netherlands).
Disseminate project results: include the values and rights of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in local policies, create a sustainable network for future cooperation, and discuss the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights with the general public.
Leading body name
Municipality of Valencia (ES)
Asociatia Se Poate (RO)
Município De Amarante (PT)
Klub Sportowy “Budowlani” – Lodz (PL)
Comune Di Cervia (IT)
Dimos Lariseon (EL)
Athienou Dimos (CY)
Hellenic Institute Of Cultural Diplomacy Netherlands (NL)Duration
24 months
Project budget
Candidate year
Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)
NEW – D3-1_eventdescriptionsheeten-MUNICIPALITY OF ATHIENOU-REV02
- ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ LOCALEUCHARTER – Ολοκλήρωση 3ης Συνάντησης στην Αθηένου 23.3.2023
- 8η Τελική Συνάντηση στο Ρόττερνταμ
The project “VOLUNTEU: Volunteering citizens as response to social COVID-19crisis”, in the framework of the objectives of the Citizens, Equality, Rights Values program (CERV), focuses on the promotion of the exchange of experiences and intercultural dialogue in Europe through the culture of volunteering.
VOLUNTEU intends to create a long-lasting cooperation network in the field of solidarity in times of crisis and youth volunteering as a civic and community response to the COVID-19 crisis. It involves young citizens of 8 different European towns who are experiencing the Crisis in different ways. The young participants initiate solidarity and participative path where they analyse and debate about current EU challenging situations and the role they can play as European citizens.
- ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ – VOLUNTEU Meeting in Romania 27-30/11/2023
- Παρουσίαση Δημάρχου Αθηένου στην πόλη Άλτεα της Ισπανίας
DEAL4EU:Youth ambassators for European Green Deal - EUROPEAN PROJECT (Municipal Youth Council)
Europe of Diversity - Integration and Socialization of Migrants - EUROPEAN PROJECT
Erasmus+ - Tech4Swell: New technologies and entrepreneurship in rural areas
CERV - Ed.U.Co: Educational Urban Community: A European Environmental Network for Youth Empowerment and Community-Building